and v ice p re s id e n t fo r the 1993-94 academ ic year are being held today. Students who live on-campus can vo te in the d in in g h a ll during regular meal times, and off-campus students can vote from 1 to 3 p .m . in the o ffcampus lounge. Running for the positions are Mary Beth Wilkinson w ith Lynn O’Donnell and Melissa Whelan w ith Melissa Peters. Wilkinson and O’Donnell are ru n n in g on a p la tfo rm th a t in c lu d e s p roposa ls fo r a com p re he ns ive re c y c lin g p ro g ram , 24 hour access to com pute r lab laser p rin te rs , co n tin u e d deve lo pm e n t o f D allow ay’s coffee house, and insta lling new Stairmasters in the Ange la A th le tic F ac ility , said Wilkinson and O’Donnell. They also hope to establish an easier CO-EX system fo r m eals betw een N otre Dame and S a in t M a ry ’s and inc rea se d s tu d e n t-a lu m n a e connections through lectures and interviews, they said. The Whelan and Peters ticket hopes to improve relations w ith Holy Cross College through the
منابع مشابه
The Observer WEDNESDAY , MARCH 17 . 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ' S Saint Mary ’ s elections to be held tomorrow
Saint Mary’s College students w ill select class officers from a variety of tickets tomorrow. The Class o f 1994 w ill have four tickets to choose from this T hu rsda y in c lu d in g c u rre n t ju n io r class p re s id e n t, Beth Petrovic. A ll candidates w ant to sup p o rt the Saint M ary ’s sesquicentennial com m ittee’s events surrounding the Class of 1994. P e trov ic , i f e lected ,...
متن کاملTHE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ' S Youth convicted of battery of Notre Dame students
The youth, who cannot be identified due to his juvenile status, was found guilty followlng a trial held on September 12 in Indiana Juvenile Court. The attack occurred in the early morning of Saturday, March 2 near the intersection of Elwood and Portage streets in South Bend. The five Notre Dame and four Sain~ Mary's students had engaged in an verbal exchange with five young men riding In a pass...
متن کاملTHE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ' S English professor Erskine Peters dies at 49
A loss was dealt to the Notre Dame com m u n ity on M arch 9 when the man who helped to encourage c u ltu re d iv e rs ity in the U n ive rs ity ’s c u r r ic u lu m as w e ll as N o tre D am e ’s f ir s t spec ia lis t in A frica n A m erican lite ra tu re died. Erskine Peters, 49, was a professor of English and member of the Notre Dame faculty since 1987. He died o f pneumo nia in his home...
متن کاملTHE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY ’ S Students congregate for peace in campus protest
Over f i f ty students congre gated on F ieldhouse M all on Friday, taking time out of their schedules to reflect on the pos s ib il ity o f w a r in the M idd le East. Seven speakers, inc lud ing a faculty member, local activists and students from Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s provided sev era l d iffe ren t perspectives on the Middle East issue, w ith the unified message: prevention of war ...
Campus Alliance for Rape Elim ination (CARE), a long-stand ing club at Saint M ary 's, a tta ined club sta tus at Notre Dame at the beginning of this semester. At a recent meeting, the members of CARE discussed a wide range o f topics: methods o f self-defense, phones around cam pus, lig h ts in D -2, m a le -fe m a le discussion groups. They laughed, but they had a very serious subject in the ...
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